Communicating better with your Guests: A five-day idea blast
One of these 5 ideas I have learned from trial and error could save you "learning-curve time" and become a game-changer for you in connecting better with guests God is brining to your church.
Why am all of a sudden sending you a post at 7pm (PST) on, of all things, a Sunday night?
Over the last 3 weeks, I have been on a pause...
- Attending conferences like Catalyst
- Reading some powerful books
- Helping 8 churches better connect with their guests
- Learning from new mistakes
- Savoring the biggest number of graduates (126) from our First Step Experience (a 7 week assimilation journey that helps transform our guests into connected, serving members)
126 Guests that became connected serving members over the past 7 weeks...
I am coming up for air with some clarity regarding 5 ideas about how we communicate with Guests. These tangible and specific ideas are now time-tested in my assimilation process and could make a big difference in whether guests at your church become meaningfully connected or not.
So I am going to do something I have never done before: I am going to post a short but proven idea on guest communication everyday for the next 5 days. They are quick to scan and easy to implement should you want to.
So I am going to do something I have never done before: I am going to post a short but proven idea on guest communication everyday for the next 5 days.
Each idea will come with the usual questions for you or your team to process them quickly and efficiently. Some book recommendations will be included along the way, and, I will finally post the date and location of our next "Climbing the Assimilayas" event that many of you have been asking me about.
Sometimes a pause is just what everybody needs...