How to connect new people to churches under 200.

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Having pastored in churches of several hundred to several thousand, I've learned that strategies for connecting guests have these 2 characteristics in common:

1. They are based on the same 4 ingredients

2. They are scalable.  

I shared what this looks like for small churches in this podcast I did with Jeff Keady and Jonny Craig of 200 Churches, a ministry specifically targeted at encouraging and resourcing churches under 200 in attendance (which is 90% of the church in America!). This was such great experience, I wanted to share it with all you Sherpas who connect people to smaller, but significant churches. 


Episode 273 - How To Connect New People To Churches Under 200 with Greg Curtis
Jeff Keady and Jonny Craig: Pastors, Leaders, Bloggers, Podcasters, and Encouragers
Greg Curtis
I am a Christ-follower, husband, and father of 3. As a Community Life Pastor at Eastside Christian Church, I overseeing assimilation driven ministry. I am a 3rd generation Southern Californian who is passionate about fostering faith and following Jesus. I value promoting faith in the form of a movement as opposed to its more institutional forms.

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