fresh & practical ideas for your journey to the summit

Design this right, and assimilating guests will happen automatically
Essentials, One Place, One Program Greg Curtis Essentials, One Place, One Program Greg Curtis

Design this right, and assimilating guests will happen automatically

I have learned something about entertaining in my home: people don't always sit where you want them to. But when I dragged 2 $17 chairs to the edge of the lawn, my guests started to bee-line for the best view in the house—the one they would consistently forfeit before.

That’s when I learned that the key to changing behavior is actually changing your environment—and I see 2 principles we need to keep in mind when it comes to the guests of our church.

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How wine tasting is affecting liquor stores (& what it means for your church)

How wine tasting is affecting liquor stores (& what it means for your church)

Really?! Wine tasting?

Yep. My wife and I love to go wine tasting, especially up the Central Coast of California not far from where we live. The best part? You don't have to buy a single bottle. This is how a lot of people select and enjoy wine today. It's also how many people select and enjoy churches.

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May your heart be guided to these 2 places
Greg Curtis Greg Curtis

May your heart be guided to these 2 places

Now that we have transitioned from a quarterly 7-week "First Step Experience" to an ongoing revolving 4-week experience called "Next Steps", I have wanted to see a greater number of guests coming into that connection environment than ever before. This has been a greater challenge than I anticipated. 

Last weekend there was a breakthrough: we did 3 things different that resulted in exponential attendance at our other 2 campuses and a 40% increase in our attendance at our broadcast campus in Anaheim

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One last common mistake church's make when assimilating guests
Greg Curtis Greg Curtis

One last common mistake church's make when assimilating guests

You see, just like it takes more than a good driver to back in a long trailer into a obstacle ridden campsite, it takes someone different than a good Bible teacher to lead people through an experience that connects them well to their new church.

What kind of person does it take?

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The 2nd mistake many churches make when assimilating guests

The 2nd mistake many churches make when assimilating guests

Have you ever taken a "free" vacation to a time share resort? You go because you feel the need for a break, have the need for a deal, and are willing to pay the price which is sitting through a presentation and a pitch for a few hours-one that could result in your buying-in to the "resort lifestyle". If you are like me, you have been willing to pay that price as long as they a willing to hear a "No" at they end of it. 

Despite our aversion to this experience, this is unintentionally how we treat guests when they want to become part of our church.

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The most common mistake I see churches making when assimilating guests
Greg Curtis Greg Curtis

The most common mistake I see churches making when assimilating guests

In my opinion we are in the midst of a massive cultural and marketing trend-reversal. The trend used to be customization..."Have it Your Way". You could create your own unique version of food, decor, music playlists, or even create your own ending to a fictional novel you are reading. That was all trending as the information overload that came with customization was only swelling--not cresting and then crashing on top of our overwhelmed heads. 

Now the trend is simplification.

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Today we celebrate my hero.
Greg Curtis Greg Curtis

Today we celebrate my hero.

He lived in the British Isles in the late fourth century and early fifth century, at a time when the church had already begun its descent into bureaucracy and institutionalism. As a de-churched grandson of a deacon, he led the wild life of a teenager without a personal faith in God at all.

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An idea that gets Guests to actually sign up for something
Greg Curtis Greg Curtis

An idea that gets Guests to actually sign up for something

Signing up for things and showing up for things seems rare, even antiquated. I am amazed by how many wedding invitations get no responses or RSVPs these days. Church events get most of their sign ups the day before.

Here is another idea to communicate well with guests that resulted in something we didn't anticipate: people actually signing up and showing up for an event!


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One simple change to unleash of geography for your guests
One Place Greg Curtis One Place Greg Curtis

One simple change to unleash of geography for your guests

This idea is based on our biggest assimilation learning from 2015. This idea...

📈 Almost doubled the amount of connection cards we received from guests.

🐣 Lowered the average age of those who attend our First Step events by 20+ years.

🎉 Began lowering the average age of those who signed up to volunteer by about the same.

🚀 Helped increased the attendance of our 7 week First Step Experience by 38% this Winter.

I am embarrassed to tell you what it is because it is so painfully obvious and we missed it for the first 2.5 years at our new facility.

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An idea: do this when guests are connecting
Greg Curtis Greg Curtis

An idea: do this when guests are connecting

When we think of fishing, most of us think of all the energy, activity, and equipment necessary to to attract and catch a fish. When we are fishing for men, as Jesus called us to, we tend to pour our focus into parallel activities: attraction, invitation, decisions...everything until they are "hooked".

But when we take a closer look at fishing, we see that a different and more individual kind of attention takes place after a fish is caught.

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An idea to connect your guests through social media
Greg Curtis Greg Curtis

An idea to connect your guests through social media

Most of us want our guests to grow more connected to our church by "liking" its facebook page, following us on twitter, and sharing posts with their friends. Few of us have a way to systematically encourage that. I fell into one that has worked well at Eastside where I serve.

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Communicating better with your Guests: A five-day idea blast
Greg Curtis Greg Curtis

Communicating better with your Guests: A five-day idea blast

I am coming up for air with some clarity regarding 5 ideas about how we communicate with Guests. These tangible and specific ideas are now time-tested in my assimilation process and could make a big difference in whether guests at your church become meaningfully connected or not. 

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Ready to speed up your progress?

Is it time for you to take building (or rebuilding) your Assimilation System seriously with the CTA Video Course (especially before your next big weekend)?

Do you need one-on-one help with one of our results-driven coaching packages? (we’ll join you in the weeds and do the work with you)

Or are you ready for total staff-wide alignment — the fastest move you can make toward strong walls and open gates? Then Base Camp is for you.

What about a full audit of the walls and gates that you are (or maybe aren’t) presenting to your guests every Sunday with a Secret Sunday Guest Review?